Danburg Properties on Technology: Why Your Business Needs a Facebook Page
Written on November 26, 2013 at 6:56 am

At Danburg Properties of Boca Raton, we have a Facebook page. On it, we share information about our class-A office, warehouse and light industrial properties, events in the Boca Raton community, and even tips on life, lifestyle and – yes – dogs. For most companies that use Facebook for business, creating connections with clients, customers, prospects and the greater community is vital to driving brand awareness.
But Facebook isn’t the only tool a company or executive can use do accomplish online brand building. In fact, businesses today are using a host of online sites and social media services to …
Danburg Properties in the Community: Thanks for Helping our Boca Helping Hands Thanksgiving Collection
Written on November 22, 2013 at 8:41 am

This week, Danburg Properties of Boca Raton – with the help of our office property, warehouse space and light industrial tenants – participated in Boca Helping Hands’ annual Thanksgiving Basket Brigade. This annual pilgrimage brought food baskets and supplies to Boca Helping Hands, which serves a vital cause for the local community.
This year as in years past, we partnered with our employees and tenants to perform this important effort. We’re pleased to report this year’s effort was equally successful as in years past.
With Danburg Properties of Boca Raton as a collection site, together we provided roasting pans, stuffing …
Danburg Properties in the Community: General Counsel Robbin Newman Co-Hosts Women of Tomorrow/Neiman Marcus Luncheon
Written on November 17, 2013 at 8:45 am

Neiman Marcus / Boca Raton at Town Center Mall welcomed 40 area executive, business and philanthropic leaders on Friday, November 15, to introduce the Boca Raton and Palm Beach County business communities to The Women of Tomorrow Mentor and Scholarship program. The mission of the program is to “inspire, motivate and empower at-risk young women to live up to their full potential through a unique mentoring program with highly accomplished professional women and scholarship opportunities.”
The event was hosted by Women of Tomorrow President and Founder Jennifer Valoppi and Danburg Properties of Boca Raton General Counsel Robbin Newman, as well …
Danburg on Technology: Boca Raton Police Suggest Apple Users Update to iOS 7
Written on November 13, 2013 at 1:39 pm

At Danburg Properties of Boca Raton, we’ve blogged in the past about how we use our smart phones to run our business and stay in touch with our class-A office space, warehouse and industrial tenants from throughout Boca Raton and Palm Beach County. Technology is vital to all we do.
But according to the Boca Raton Polices Services Department, it’s also important that we keep our devices up to date and current with the latest versions of operating systems and software.
For example, Apple recently released updated iOS 7 software, available to both new and older Apple devices. The Boca …
Danburg Properties of Boca Raton in the Community: Boca Helping Hands Supporter Named Junior League Woman Volunteer of the Year
Written on November 11, 2013 at 9:10 am

When Robbin Newman, general counsel of Danburg Properties of Boca Raton, attended a Junior League luncheon as the guest of Dr. Marta Rendon of the Rendon Center for Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine (both pictured here), she witnessed the role the organization plays in the community.
She saw how 27 nominees vied for the Junior League of Boca Raton’s Woman Volunteer of the Year, and how Peggy Jones of Boca Helping Hands was named the winner.
She saw a fabulous fashion show at Boca West County Club, presented by Neiman Marcus, and how so many Boca Raton residents, business leaders and …
Danburg Properties of Boca Raton: Veteran’s Day and What it Means to Our Children
Written on November 8, 2013 at 11:54 am

Veterans Day is Monday, the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month. The actual day is in remembrance of Armistice Day, or the day in 1918 when armistice went into effect with Germany and effectively ended what at the time was known as, “The Great War” (the name World War I didn’t arise until the second World War broke out in the late 1930s and ended in 1945).
Yet as we approach the heart of the American holiday season – from Halloween through Thanksgiving to Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Christmas and New Years – where does Veterans Day fall …