In Memoriam – Julia Trevarthen
Written on May 1, 2012 at 2:06 pm
Danburg Management Corporation extends our condolences to the family of Julia Trevarthen, former Planning and Zoning Director of the City of Boca Raton who passed away on April 11.
“We had the privilege of working with Julia on a number of projects, said Jamie Danburg, President of Danburg Management Corporation. She was a true professional and a credit to the city. We’ll miss her a lot.”
“Julia’s true passion was singing and per her wishes, we have made a donation to Master Chorale of South Florida in her memory. We encourage others to do the same”
For more information on … Photographer Paul Morris at Marlins Park
Written on April 24, 2012 at 10:56 am

Opening night at Marlins Park by Paul Morris of Morphoto, Inc. Paul is also responsible for most of the great building shots on our website.
For Danburg Management’s review and video on the Miami Marlins new stadium, see our blog at .
For more of Paul’s shots, visit: (Marlins Park Shoot) (Paul’s Website) or; Morphoto on Facebook
The World’s Two Most Powerful Men Come to Boca – What a Week!
Written on April 13, 2012 at 10:47 am

If you haven’t heard it yet, Justin Bieber with his 42.1 million Facebook fans and 20 million Twitter followers will be speaking at St. Andrews School in Boca Raton later today April 13, 2012. There’s also this guy named Obama who spoke at Florida Atlantic University on Tuesday. Obama has 25.9 million “likes” on Facebook, and 14.1 million followers on Twitter. By the way, his 69.4 million votes in the 2008 election only barely exceeds Bieber’s following.
What was most interesting to me about this news was the way I found out; which is a clear …
The London Times – The Continuing Story Of America’s Top Show Dog-Volume 2
Written on March 15, 2012 at 5:44 pm

London, the Standard Poodle, owned by our own Jamie Danburg and Michele Molnar has been grabbing national headlines with his 68 (As of May 20, 2012) Best In Shows, including the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship. This section is a real-time digest of the life of America’s top show dog. Check back often for updates. Click Here for Volume 1 featuring AKC/Eukanuba and Westminster
We’ve also added a Facebook album on Danburg page, showcasing Jamie, Michele and London’s journey in NYC during Westminster Week. Check out our page here: Westminster Album
Click to follow London
May 20,
…The $500M New Marlins Ballpark – An Inside Look – Opening Day 2012
Written on March 8, 2012 at 3:11 pm

Another year, another opening day. Last year’s Danburg Baseball Opening Day video featuring Aroldis Chapman has gotten over 340,000 hits on Youtube. That’s a tough act to follow, but here goes: (You can click on the thumbnail for our video and click on the pictures for larger versions for more photos see the album on our Facebook Page)
Tuesday night March 6th marked the first appearance by the Miami Marlins at the new Marlins Park on the former Orange Bowl site. Ticket sales were limited to 10,000, so I was one of the lucky few who were among the …
Be #1 on Google or Do #1 on Google ?
Written on March 2, 2012 at 12:00 pm

Those of us who use the internet to market our products understand how important it is to be number one on Google. Google is responsible for about two thirds of all searches on the internet and an entire industry of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has grown out of finding the best ways to get Google to recognize your site. One of the best methods is to to create fresh blog content even if it’s as silly as this. At Danburg Management we are always working to make sure that when you are searching for Office Space or …