Holiday Cheer From Danburg Management
Written on December 23, 2010 at 10:31 am

Need Help with Your Holiday Shopping?
You probably shouldn’t look here….
The ‘Flair Hair’ Visor
The Pillow Tie
BARK4BEER Dog Collar Bottle Opener
Danburg Management and The Miami Herald are pleased to present
Dave Barry’s Guide to Holiday Gifts
“The Holiday Gift Guide is a collection of unique gift items that you will not see anywhere else, at least not anywhere with a drug policy. We did not make any of these items up: They are all real products that people are actually selling.” -Dave Barry
We sincerely hope that these items are not on your gift list, please don’t …
Who Could Use A Raise?
Written on December 8, 2010 at 1:23 pm

We can all use some good news and a little more cash in our pocket.
While preparing to bill our tenants for January’s rent, we found out that Palm Beach County’s Discretionary Sales Surtax of 0.5% expires December 31, 2010, so sales tax in the County will be reduced from 6.5% to 6.0%.
That means if you live or work in Palm Beach County you’re getting a raise!
Half a point may not be much, but if you pay $2,000 per month to rent an office, the $10 per month buys you lunch. If you’re buying a $30,000 car, you …
Small Business Saturday
Written on November 21, 2010 at 11:49 am

Black Friday, Cyber Monday and now the first-ever Small Business Saturday
Here at Danburg Management, we are in the industry of building, maintaining and leasing productive work spaces to small businesses.
It’s our business to help yours succeed!
American Express is sponsoring Small Business Saturday on November 27th to encourage people to support local small businesses. American Express will give those who enroll their American Express credit cards a $25 credit for spending at least $25 at a local small business on Saturday November 27th. Offer is open to the first 100,000 people who enroll their credit card here.…
The Yamato Scrub
Written on November 12, 2010 at 1:07 pm

The Yamato Scrub
Site Description:
The Yamato Scrub is bordered by Congress and the El Rio Canal on the West, I-95 (and Danburg Management Properties) on the East, and is bisected by Clint Moore Rd. It is the largest remaining scrub tract in Southern Palm Beach County. The Yamato Scrub’s diverse habitats support many endangered and threatened species.
The Yamato Scrub was formed by a long series of natural processes dating back millions of years. It was originally part of Boca Commerce Center and was slated for industrial development until they found the tortoises. In February 1997 after …
Vote No On 4!
Written on October 21, 2010 at 11:16 am

Dear Friends, Neighbors, and Fellow Boca Raton Business Owners,
If we don’t have the pleasure of already knowing each other, or you haven’t received one of my “community letters” I would like to introduce myself to you and share some of the important issues that are confronting “Boca Raton Business Owners” in 2010. By trade I’m a commercial real estate developer and landlord in my 27th year of business. I live here in Boca with my family, and I’m one of the larger commercial landlords in the city. When I’m not busy leasing office and warehouse space I am a …
A One Million Dollar Investment
Written on October 21, 2010 at 10:48 am

Join Property Manager, John Eudy and VP Sales and Acquisitions, Ken Silberling at Peninsula Corporate Center. John Eudy explains the history and power behind our one million dollar investment!