60 Seconds From Your Desk To I-95!
Written on October 4, 2010 at 1:38 pm

Follow us with Danburg Management Tenant, Omar Periu in his new Porsche as we drive from Peninsula Corporate Center arriving on the I-95 ramp in less than 1 minute!
New Office Space Search Mobile App!
Written on September 28, 2010 at 1:30 pm

Once you download the free app, search for Rofo and subscribe to the channel and you’re ready to go. When looking for an office space, retail location or warehouse for rent, point the camera on your mobile phone at an appealing office building or city block. If there are available commercial spaces icons will appear on your screen. With just a tap of the finger you can now explore properties, email listing brokers, see interior photos, find the exact square footage and price and get directions. All from your mobile phone.
From The Desk of Ken Silberling – U.S. Office Market: Mid-Year 2010 Review & Forecast
Written on August 20, 2010 at 1:07 pm
Costar in its “The State of the U.S. Office Market: Mid-Year 2010 Review & Forecast” reports that the U.S. office market has bottomed and is headed toward recovery. Danburg Management, as a major player in the Boca Raton office market, sees this as great news. But what does that mean for local office tenants and to the commercial real estate community?
To start, Costar has emerged as the leading source of commercial real estate information in the U.S. A majority of the top national brokerage firms and institutions rely on their information, so we can assume this information is credible, …
A Change in our Tagline and Philosophy
Written on June 29, 2010 at 2:43 pm